“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”
― Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own
We agree, don’t you? That is why it is with our most delightful privilege that we invite you to Capella Pedregal Third Annual Food & Wine Festival.
From July 9 – 13th, explore the pleasures of food and wine with internationally recognized chefs and master sommeliers which will be offering four days of meaningful interaction of their inventive, seasonal cuisine.
The festivities will begin with a welcome reception showcasing artisanal Mexican cheeses, Mexican wines and specialty dishes. Other events over the next three days include cooking demonstrations with the chefs, a beach barbecue featuring chef specialties and a grand finale of a five-course dinner with each course individually prepared by a different chef and a celebratory after-party.
Dinner at El Farallon
Chef Yvan Mucharraz and his team at work!
This year’s Festival will feature the following internationally acclaimed chefs:
- Chef Kent Rathbun (Abacus and Jasper’s)
- Chef Ricardo Zarate (Picca)
- Chef Curtis Duffy (Grace)
- Chef Kevin Sbraga (Sbraga)
- Chef Yvan Mucharraz (Capella Pedregal’s executive chef).
Last year’s all star team!
Among the activities you can enjoy an Organic Farm tour and lunch at Tamarindo Farm, a Wine Seminar by Napa’s Wagner Family winemaker and since we are in Mexico, a stimulating Tequila Seminar by a Maestro Tequilero.
This exclusive event is limited to 120 participants with attractive packages for those traveling to this beautiful destination.
For more information about the event and packages availability, visit Capella Pedregal’s website http://www.capellahotels.com/cabosanlucas/foodandwine/